I never knew I’d be a Doula…
I always wanted to be a mother, ever since I could remember -but I was terrified of childbirth. I would always claim that if I could just skip that part, I’d be so happy and I’d have hundreds of children. So when I became pregnant with my daughter, my excitement was nearly overtaken by my fear of the due date that loomed over me.
I barely knew what a doula was, but I did think you had to be a hippy to have one, and I didn’t think I really fit the bill. However, I was so terrified that I was willing to try anything. So I began reaching out to a few trying to find the right one for me and ended up hiring my own doula when I was only 6 or 7 weeks pregnant (the line on the pregnancy test wasn’t even solid yet). Still, I was adamant that I was not going to “have a waterbirth or anything”, because I “wasn’t that hippy”…
Anyway, the more research I did the more I learned that everything fits together so perfectly! I started to become less and less scared. I was secure in my birth team (my hospital, doctor, doula, and husband), I was educated on the topic, I knew what I wanted, and I knew what to expect. I found myself actually excited and looking forward to my due date!
Finally, in January 2024 I had the most amazing water birth, where I felt confident, relaxed, and in charge the entire time.
My pregnancy and birth built up a passion that I never knew existed, and now my mission is to help remove any fear or doubt from my clients, empowering them to have the best birth experience possible. I want to help you build confidence and provide the knowledge that so many of us lack when it comes to pregnancy and birth.